Holler is out thanks to DARK HORSE COMICS. You can order it HERE.
My new comic “imokhowru” will be starting shortly and I hope to update the pages on Wednesday and Thursday.
If you read HOLLER on this site at all thank! I hope you enjoy my new story.

So. September 24th you can but this in bookstores. The next day in finer comic shops. Thanks to DARK HORSE and Phillip Simon for making this possible.
I’m going to take down all the Holler pages and actually upload my store page again as soon as I get the books.
Also, I’m going to be working on my next book IMOKHOWRU and putting up pages here. That’s gonna be soon.
In a few weeks I’m starting my new story and publishing it here. It’s gonna be weird.

Every page of Holler is up on the site. If you bought the 6 issues It’s Alive published you can finish 7 and 8. Or start at page 1. I’m going to do small print runs before it’s collected next year. This book took a while and I’m very proud of it. In a month or so I’ll start posting som new comics… But please enjoy Holler and stay tuned for news on the collection.

I’ve finished HOLLER. There is going to be a collection in roughly a year. I’ve signed contracts and delivered the pages. On the site front…. I’m updating daily until the comic is done. Check in every day. I loved this book and the ending was really satisfying when i sat and read it all. Thanks for tuning in. I’ll start something else as soon as I can.